Are You Wasting Your Twenties? Essential Lessons for Growth and Meaning

Sociological studies suggest the decade of one's twenties is a period of profound transition. 

Your twenties are a time of major life changes. Old routines and familiar ways fall away, making room for new experiences and a newfound sense of self. 

This exciting, though sometimes scary, time will shape the person you become.

Things to Realize in Twenties:

  • Perfection is the number one enemy. Try to get rid of it to live happily ever after. The lure of an innocent conscience can be a deceptive trap, encouraging us to chase it as it constantly withdraws. It’s a pursuit that causes anxiety, stifles creativity, and ultimately stops progress. However, acknowledging flaws allows us to celebrate our unique strengths, learn from our mistakes, and have fun on our journey of self-discovery We must remember that there were respected artists, creators, and leaders even their size is not a model of perfection. Their success is driven by a willingness to experiment, take risks and learn from failure. By letting go of unreachable thinking, we free ourselves to create, grow and experience the true satisfaction of effort and achievement
  • "No one will love you for nothing like your mother." In addition to family ties, relationships often require mutual cooperation and investment. The unconditional love and acceptance we receive from our mothers deeply shapes our understanding of intimacy. But as we venture out into the world, we must recognize that loving relationships and deep friendships are nurtured through effort, shared experiences and emotional vulnerability This does not diminish the importance of our motherly love; It just highlights the importance of having healthy energy in those we encounter throughout our lives. This mutual understanding allows us to establish boundaries, communicate effectively, and channel our energies into relationships that have the potential for mutual growth and satisfaction
  • "Start now, whatever you are good at, because after a while you will regret it." Time is a relentless force, and untapped potential transforms into regret as the years pass. The twenties are a time for exploration, experimentation, and embracing new challenges. It's a period uniquely suited to developing our skills and nurturing our passions. As we delay pursuing our talents, anxieties can creep in, and the flame of enthusiasm can flicker and fade. By taking the first step, whatever it may be, we commit to the journey of self-actualization. Even if the path is uncertain, the act of starting ensures that we won't be burdened by the weight of "what ifs" in the years to come. Investing in our abilities and passions is not just about achieving success; it's about honoring the unique gifts we possess and living a life free from the sting of missed opportunities.

 Things  To adapt in Twenties:

  • Rapid change is the greatest skill. You must try to possess it. In the whirlwind of the modern world, adaptability is more crucial than ever. The twenties represent a period of flux – careers, relationships, and even our fundamental sense of identity may shift and evolve. We must embrace this fluidity, viewing change as an opportunity for growth rather than a destabilizing force. The ability to learn, adjust, and adopt new perspectives will be a defining factor in navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities that come our way.

This doesn't mean blindly following every fad or succumbing to peer pressure. True adaptability is about cultivating a growth mindset, a willingness to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace new experiences. It's about recognizing that the skills and knowledge we possess today may not be sufficient tomorrow, and possessing the intellectual humility to continuously learn and evolve. As Heraclitus famously said, "change is the only constant," and by embracing this reality, we empower ourselves to thrive in an ever-shifting world.

  • Make your time count and do not waste it in empty discussions that do not affect you, psychologically or physically, and do not affect it in any way. Time is perhaps our most precious resource, especially in our youth. It's essential to be mindful of how we spend our days. Engaging in endless debates or passively consuming content that offers no value can rob us of precious moments. We must be discerning, investing our energy into conversations, projects, and experiences that enrich our minds, nurture our spirits, and help us become the best versions of ourselves.

A helpful strategy is to prioritize tasks that align with our long-term goals and aspirations. This might involve setting aside dedicated time for focused work, learning a new skill, or nurturing meaningful relationships. It also means being mindful of distractions – social media, mindless entertainment, or gossip can easily eat away at our time. By being intentional with how we allocate our hours, we ensure that we are investing in a future filled with purpose and fulfillment.

  • Self-satisfaction is the root of all inactivity. There's a difference between healthy contentment and complacency. When we become too comfortable, we risk stagnation – in our careers, our relationships, and our personal development. It's essential to set goals, big and small, to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones, and never to lose sight of our aspirations. An underlying restlessness, a desire to keep striving and growing, is what fuels a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Self-satisfaction can manifest in various ways. It might be the tendency to settle for a mediocre job rather than pursuing a career that ignites our passion. It could be the fear of vulnerability that prevents us from putting ourselves out there and forming deep connections. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards overcoming them. By nurturing a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo and embracing the challenges that come with growth, we pave the way for a life of continuous learning, exploration, and achievement.

What to do in twenties?


  • Have critical thinking: In an age of information overload and misinformation, the ability to analyze information, evaluate claims and question ideas is more important than ever. Take courses in logic and critical thinking, read widely from a variety of sources, and consult popular literature. Separate facts from opinions and actions to have respectful, evidence-based conversations. These skills not only enable you to make informed decisions in your own life, but also prepare you to be a responsible citizen and an insightful user of information.

Case Study: Consider the work of renowned astronomer and science teacher Carl Sagan. Sagan was a strong advocate of debate and critical thinking, encouraging people to question established beliefs, seek evidence and challenge unsubstantiated claims He stressed the dangers of pseudoscience and superstition plant, especially at a time when technology can amplify misinformation at an unprecedented rate. Having critical thinking skills allows us to navigate a complex world and make informed decisions that are consistent with truth, common sense and the public good.

  • Develop Financial Literacy: Unfortunately, financial responsibility isn't often emphasized in traditional education. This lack of knowledge can lead to poor financial decisions that can have long-lasting consequences. Take the initiative to learn about personal finance. There's a wealth of resources available online, from educational websites and articles to video tutorials and podcasts. Consider enrolling in a personal finance course or attending workshops offered by community organizations or banks. You might also consider consulting with a financial advisor, who can help you create a personalized plan that aligns with your short- and long-term goals.

Building strong financial habits early on can significantly impact your future. Learning how to budget effectively will ensure you're allocating your income wisely and not living beyond your means. Developing a savings plan allows you to build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and provides the foundation for future investments, such as a down payment on a home or starting your own business. Understanding how to manage debt wisely is also crucial. High-interest credit card debt can quickly spiral out of control, hindering your ability to save and achieve your financial goals. By educating yourself about personal finance and making informed decisions, you can set yourself up for long-term financial stability and reduce stress throughout your adult life.

  • Nurture Meaningful Relationships: Social connections are like the sunshine and water for our emotional well-being. Studies consistently demonstrate the profound impact of strong social connections on happiness and overall life satisfaction. Invest in your existing friendships, be open to forming new connections, and prioritize spending quality time with loved ones. Seek out mentors, colleagues, or friends who inspire and challenge you. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, who support your growth, and who encourage you to be your best self. These relationships will provide a sense of belonging, a supportive network, and invaluable guidance throughout your life's journey.

Consider the case of Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook). Sandberg credits her close network of friends with providing her with unwavering support and encouragement throughout her remarkable career. These deep connections have served as a source of strength, helping her navigate professional challenges and celebrate her successes.

Similarly, studies have shown that strong social connections can even improve our physical health. Research suggests that having close relationships can boost our immune system, reduce stress levels, and even increase our lifespan. In essence, nurturing meaningful relationships is not just about feeling good; it's about creating a foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life.


We cannot rewind time, but can we predict the contours of the journey ahead. The twenties are a fleeting chapter, a blink in the grand tapestry of life. May these years be marked by growth, by laughter, by love, and yes, even by the bittersweet sting of mistakes. 

For it's through our challenges that we become resilient, and it's through our experiences that we discover the strength and compassion that reside within. 

The twenties are a time to embrace the messiness of life, to learn from our missteps, and to celebrate the victories, both big and small. 

As the wise C. JoyBell C wrote,

"The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself."

Writing by Owner Thoughts.

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